Willkommen im Vatikan

Der Vatikan, der in der Amtszeit von Pius 12 so vielen Nazis zur Flucht nach Argentinien verhalf über die Rattenlinie, der mit Wojtyla einen Koranküsser als Hausherrn hatte, der die Kirchentür für den Chrislam öffnete und auch den Terrorvater Arafat begrüsste, heisst zur Zeit des Islamfreunds und Moslemfussküssers Borgoglio auch einen Waffenschmuggler für die „Palästinenser“  wilkommen, den daselbst jüngst verstorbenen Israelhasser Erzbischof Hilarion.

Archbishop who smuggled arms for Palestinian jihad killers dies in the Vatican


Archbishop Hilarion Capucci earned everlasting infamy for running guns to the Palestinian jihadis who would have oppressed and subjugated his own people if they had had half a chance, and the Vatican in turn earned even more infamy by sheltering him all these years.

But Capucci’s jihad-enabling actions were no surprise: he comes from an ecclesiastical tradition that is deeply, insidiously, and inveterately anti-Semitic. Recently I encountered a bishop of that tradition who is openly and viciously anti-Semitic, dismissing Pamela Geller’s work on the sole grounds that she is a Jew. Capucci’s superior, Gregory III Laham, the Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem and All the East, has proudly declared: “We, the Arab Christians, always defend Islam and our Muslim brothers – no one defends Islam like the Arab Christians do.”

Gregory III has also blamed “Zionists” for jihad attacks on Middle Eastern Christians. He is the Patriarch who walked out of a Ted Cruz speech in a rage over Cruz saying he stood with Israel. He, like so many of his peers, appears to have thoroughly imbibed the “Palestinian” jihadis’ hatred of and contempt for Israel, despite the fact that it is a more hospitable place for his own people than the Muslim countries he weeps over and offers a better life for Christians than the Islam he so ardently defends. They think that the jihadis will go easy on them if they echo their political line, loving what they love and hate what they hate. They will be in for a rude awakening when the jihadis to whom they have been so solicitous and accommodating turn on them.

Patriarch Gregory III and the now-dead Archbishop Hilarion Capucci are not alone in selling out their people and aligning with jihad murderers. Much of the Melkite clergy, and Catholic clergy in general, in the U.S. as well as in the Middle East, cower before jihad killers and pretends their cowardice is “respect.” The contemporary Catholic hierarchy in general is making nice with the jihad force, and thereby enabling its advance. And it will reap what it is sowing.

“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)

Das dürfte auch dem antisemtischen Linken behagen, die in der Schweiz angesiedelt ist, von der letzten Tusse aus der linken Gosse, die im rotgrün verrotteten Basel salonfähig ist (nicht obwohl, sondern w e i l sie den Boykott gegen Israel propagiert: Kauft-nicht-bei-Juden  –  wer gegen dergleichen protestiert, wird angezeigt vom linken Denunziantengesindel) bis zu den Grünen NR-Bonzen, die Hamas-Terror-Brüder ins Bundeshaus einladen und dort hofieren oder an Hamas-Demos Anti-Israel-Parolen grölen, wie der Kotzbrocken Scharia-Anwalt Vischer, der sich für den Einzug islamischer Regeln an Schweizer Schulen einsetzt und sich mit zynisch schmutzigem Grinsen über die Entrechtung der Mädchen im Moslemmilieu hinwegsetzt.  Islamisierung ist ein lukratives Gewerbe für die Kollaborateure, für alle   ölgeschmierten Schariaschleuser, die Oberwasser haben wie die Sumpfblüten auf dem rotgrünen trüben Teich.
Die islamophilen Linken betätigen sich als Schariaschmuggler und sind so religionsfreudig, wenn es um den Islam geht, ihre Lieblingsreligion, und um ihre kriminellen Lieblinge aus den moslemischen Macho-gewaltkulturen.  Ob der Vatikan auch Verstecke für linke Waffenschmuggler oder die Schweizer Sala-faschisten bereit hat, sollten sie doch noch überraschenderweise in der Schweiz verboten werden? Die Schweizer Garde könnte sie doch beschützen. Worüber mag sich Kardinal Koch, der als Bischof von Basel noch vor der Islamskepsis warnte, die wie eine Grippe sei (muss geheilt werden) mit Erzbischof Hilarion unterhalten haben? Über das angeblich «wichtigste Menschenrecht» (O-Ton Koch) die Religionsfreiheit?


Der andauernde Krieg gegen Israel

Kerry – The Big Lie


By Eli E. Hertz

True peace between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs cannot be based on a lie. Putting Israel and its Arab neighbors on the same footing totally ignores the asymmetry of the history of the conflict and something as fundamental as cause and effect. The truth is that one side – the Arab side – has been the aggressor time-after-time. The Arabs have been the initiators of more than five major wars, political and economic boycotts and unbridled incitement. The Palestinian Arabs have launched wave-after-wave of terrorism against Israelis and other Jews and made hate the fuel that directs and runs their society.

All this began before there was a State of Israel, before there was an ‚occupation‘ and it continues unabated to this very day.

Arabs have instigated war and terror attacks against the State of Israel in 1948, 1967, and 1973, and by various acts of belligerency throughout this period.

They have flouted their basic obligations as part of a free and democratic society to refrain
from threat or use of force against Israel’s territorial integrity and political independence.
These acts are in flagrant violation inter alia [among other things] of the United Nations Charter.